Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Blog 365 and a bit of (additional) fun

O.k., I've decided to participate in this thing called Blog 365. Considering that I posted 284 times last year from mid-July through December, I think this is doable. A big objective is to get people to write. Every. Single. Day. So if I'm without a computer (the horror), I can "blog" offline and post when I get back.

Moving right along.

When I was looking through some of the blogs from other participants, I found a blog from Snarkwife.com that caught my eye.

All I have to do is look at the archives from each month last year (in my case the last five-and-a-half months) and post the first sentence of the first post from each month.

Let the games begin:

July: Today, Ed and I started trapping a mother cat and her kittens.

August: O.k., I couldn't figure out a way to ask this SPOILERIFIC question without posting my question on a message board of some sort...

September: To the right, you'll find a thingamabob through which you can sign up to have an e-mail sent to you when I update my blog. (Rebecca's note: I've since removed the "thingamabob.)

October: My office's firewall (or whatever) is blocking my Curves-O-Meter ticker.

November: Someone once said that I thought my dog could do no wrong (which isn't the case, by the way).

December: Ed just took the picture above, after deciding the situation was blog-worthy.

Ah... what a sentimental journey...


Stacy said...

I really enjoy the "end of year" posts like this...allows me to go back and reminisce a bit!