Saturday, January 19, 2008

I've created a monster

After rereading my post from last night, Ed can't stop playing clips of "Gilmore Girls" off YouTube.

This from a man who initially scoffed at my love of "Gilmore Girls." We now own the box set. :)


Jacob said...

You’ve been tagged. I needed the material for Blog 365, so when I was randomly tagged by someone I didn’t know, I bit and now you’re suffering because of it. Visit my blog ( for the rules if you’re interested in participating.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

My first time to be tagged! (I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.)

Unfortunately, I'm too tired and brain-muddled to do this one... at least now. Good topic, though...

And stop by again, you hear! :)

Unknown said...

Gilmore Girls?? Actually, I like them, too.

But don't tell anybody. i woouldn't want them to think I was a woos or anything.

Momisodes said...

ROFL! What is too funny :)

Lotus (Sarcastic Mom) said...


Frances D said...

Thanks for swinging by my site.
Looks like I'll be buying my Flip on Amazon on Flip too.
The Big Bloggy Move looks like fun.
Can't wait to see what you do :)
Have a fabu weekend

Anonymous said...

I heart the Gilmore Girls....

And I covet your box. Heh.

Sorry, that was creepy. I'm not really a creep. I'm high on cold medicine.

katie eggeman said...

We always watch Gilmore Girls at our house. I have the first 3 seasons, I'd love to have a full set.