Sunday, January 6, 2008

Copious coupons!

These are the 42 coupon inserts from the seven copies of the paper we bought this morning. I'll be getting two more complete sets (12 inserts) from my mom in a couple of days. I am in The Grocery Game heaven.

Why seven newspapers (with more inserts to come)? There are SO many good coupons, and SUCH good deals this week! I spent less than $7 on all these papers, and I'll save WAY over $7 just today, all on stuff we need or that I don't buy unless I have coupons.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to sort, clip, and file coupons. I'll see you in a week or so. ;)


Anonymous said...

I used to do that when I lived in Canada. Well, it would just be the one newspaper, but I always got deals on stuff with coupons.

I don't think this exists in Spain.

Neen said...

Got to love coupons! Between those and some stores discount cards and the sales you can really make out. I once got a $181.00 bill down to just over $60 and some change. The cashier sighed and rolled her eyes at me when I handed her my stack of coupons. But the lady behind me was cheering me on as we watched my bill go down and down. At the end the cashier was very impressed.

Unknown said...

I haven't clipped coupons in years but it sure helped when my kids were little. It depresses me that they don't double them anymore.

Unknown said...

Ahhhh.....I loveeeeeee coupons!!!! My kids know, if there is no coupon, don't ask. Contrary to belief, there is a coupon for just about anything, and we only get it if it is realllly cheap or free. Then we buy bunches. For instance I got Swiffer pads (12 pack) for just $1.45 a box today. I got 6 boxes, which will last us almost a year.
Good luck on your couponing fun!