Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Baby Jessica twenty years later

As of yesterday, it's been twenty years since Baby Jessica was pulled from a well in the backyard of a home in Midland, Texas.

I was babysitting the night of her rescue. I decided I would let the kids stay up past their bedtime to watch. The rescue was said to be "so close," it was a Friday, and the kids' parents would just have to understand. (Twelve-year-old babysitters can be so bold sometimes.) As it turns out, she was out of the well by 9:30 eastern and the kids went off to bed, not TOO much past their bedtime after all.

I wonder if they remember that Friday night in 1987?

Here is a just-published story about what the now-21-year-old is up to. Here is a link to an interview Jessica did with Matt Lauer in June of this year.

What do you remember about those days in October of 1987?


Sarah said...

I was working my first job as a copy editor at the Savannah Evening Press in Oct. 1987. I started there in Sept., so Jessica's rescue was the first really big national news story that I worked on. Since we were the evening paper, we really couldn't compete with the nightly news coverage, but we ran as much of the wire copy and photos as we could. I read all of the stories on the wire and then went home and watched the rescue efforts on CNN. It's so hard to believe she's 21.