Thursday, January 10, 2008

WFMW "Backwards Edition": Changing blogging sites

O.k., I'm thinking seriously of changing blogging sites. Blogger is great, truly, but I'm wanting to do "more."

So I'm looking for feedback -- mainly on reader retention.

  • How hard was it to get your readers to "follow" you to your new blog? (I'm not even at 1,500 visitors since early December... which isn't shabby, but I'm starting to get some "regulars," and I don't want to lose them...)
  • What do you recommend I do to tell people I'm moving?
Any other advice?

I'm excited! Thanks so much!

Check out Rocks in My Dryer for more tip getting and giving. :)


Jared said...

My suggestion is to leave one post up on your current location pointing to the new location. Email your regulars to let them know where you are going. Bring your old post with you (not a problem on wordpress). Finally visit your regulars if they have blogs and actively comment. They will follow.

frectis said...

I did what Jared suggested. I started my blog at in July '05. Once I caught on to how it all worked I bought a domain and imported my posts to it (I use WordPress). I let the Typepad thing go until a splogger re-upped it and started stealing my current content. Typepad booted them and gave it back to me.


Anonymous said...

Agree with jared - change to Wordpress!

You can import all your posts and comments from this blog and then leave a final post here redirecting them to your new blog.

Also, as soon as you start posting on other people's blogs, they will see your avatar linked to your new place.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...


Any suggestions for hosts?

Scott said...

I have wondered about this as well for someday in the future.
So glad you asked so I could spy on the answers.

And thanks for dropping over and saying you liked my blog. Warmed the cockles of my heart.

May yours be warmed as well!

Lylah Ledner said...

i appreciate the encouragement to move to Wordpress...i began a blog there...feel a bit overwhelmed and not sure how to upload pictures...great advice though
