Monday, October 29, 2007


That's Ed's temperature as of about 30 minutes ago. I had no idea he was feeling bad when I left the house a little after six this morning. By the time I got to work (less than 35 minutes later), he was officially sick.

He has fever, chills, a headache and an upset stomach. He's sleeping in a sweatshirt, sweatpants and socks.

He even asked me to come straight home instead of going to Curves first. My Curves-O-Meter may not move past "9" this month, but he's more important than Curves, even for a goal-oriented person such as me.

I don't think he's been this sick in the two-plus years we've been together.

I hope he feels better soon. He's miserable. And when he doesn't feel well, my heart doesn't feel good either. :(